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Document Authentication & Identity Verification 

OFS is an authorized reseller and strategic partner to Intellicheck, the worlds leading solution provider of ID Verification services. 

Trusted around the world to help financial service firms and commercial organizations protect their business operations

Identity has been called the new currency of the digital age. EVERYTHING today involves 'identity'. More then ever, creating a Trusted Identity Framework is critical to success and survival.  Current authentication or verification systems tend to focus on one or maybe a couple identity pillars: 'Who You Are', 'What You Have', or 'What You Know'.


The problem is that each one is vulnerable to exploitation by today's fraudster. Even tackling 2 or all 3 aspects under a so called 'multi-factor' authentication model leaves your organization widely exposed. In addition, relying on your employees to become (and stay)  document experts is an untenable proposition. Fake IDs are too easy to obtain today, are too realistic, and too difficult for naked eye detection.   










Technological breakthroughs have finally given us identity proofing services to address these challenges, BUT…not all services are created equal.


Most digital proofing services have a 60% - 70% pass rate. In other words, 3 - 4 out of every 10 IDs you verify would fail, either imposing friction on a legit customer or missing a fraudster.


Our solution has a 99.9% accuracy rate ! 














The OFS Advantage:



Over 99% accuracy



Results returned with sub-second performance 



Be up and running in as little as an hour.

7 of the top 12 N. Am Banks and Credit Card Issuers

Application use cases

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